Stanbic National Schools Championship

In Uganda, a significant portion of the population (70%) is under 24 years old. Despite this youthful demographic, statistics show an unemployment rate of 83% among those same individuals. The primary culprit? A lack of essential skills needed to thrive in the job market.

The Stanbic National Schools Championship (NSC) is a cornerstone of Stanbic Bank’s Corporate Social Investment program. This initiative tackles the skills gap head-on by fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among Ugandan youth in secondary and vocational schools.

The Approach

The NSC goes beyond simply teaching business concepts. It’s a comprehensive program designed to empower students and teachers to become forward-thinking entrepreneurs and innovators. Here’s how:

Equipping Educators: The program starts with a 2-day workshop focused on equipping teachers with the skills and knowledge to cultivate innovation and entrepreneurship within their schools.

Practical Learning: Participating schools receive toolkits specifically designed to encourage these essential skills.

Bootcamp for Champions: Top students and their dedicated teachers are selected to participate in a 5-day residential business bootcamp, further honing their entrepreneurial abilities.

Rewarding Excellence: The NSC recognizes and celebrates outstanding achievement. Top schools, teachers, and alumni are awarded a combined prize pool of 70 million Ugandan shillings.

The NSC is more than just a competition; it’s a transformative experience. It equips teachers and students with the necessary skills and confidence to become the job creators of tomorrow, fostering a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

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